Friday, June 28, 2019

Grammercy Part 2

My mailbox runneth over!  Thanks all.  I should have sent this a month ago, but then it would be time to do it again! 

I am extremely grateful to all my friends, in the LRGV and out.  I actually had one person decide it was too hard to stay my friend when I went into chemo.  I know how the hot potato feels, that's for sure.  From near daily contact to nothing since I've started treatment.  I'm extremely glad that was a minority of one, I would be lost without all y'all! 

  • Huge thanks to FC and DS for the painting!  It brings me great joy.  It transports me to the Gulf Stream and the days of guiding with Paul and Mike for the tour company that shall not be named.  This Black-capped Petrel slicing through the wake and flying by the boat is classic.  And I'm so proud to own a DS original!  It was a total shock to find the box at my door.  Long story short, this is a painting I saw on FB and loved!  I've hung it where it's easy to see from my recliner, over my feet when my feet are up (as they so often are now). 
  • Thanks mom for the hats!  I never go out without one.   
  • Thanks to my cousin RR for the bird books, much appreciated!  I'm going to read Susan Smith's book on Black-capped Chickadees first. 
  • Thanks to my aunt DS for the CDs of the storytelling competition, and a sound of home.  The CDs were very entertaining!
  • Thanks to brother JG for the book on CD and links to another online.  I need titles and suggestions of books to read still! 
  • Thanks EC for the recorded book suggestions.  I'm about to cash in my Audible credits on them!
  • Thanks to EE for the hat, I always need hats but especially now - and the puffin is awesome! 
  • Thanks to everyone who has sent me bird pics or recordings as a phone-a-friend.  This is like birding but without the mosquitos or heat.  AS, EH, TB, MC, JL, JD et al. Please do keep it coming! 
  • Thanks to DJ and MC for getting me to where I could hear the Black Rail in Cameron County, what an easy county tick for someone who can't walk far!   
  • And thanks to JD for the cards, love the artwork and enjoy it on my wall. 
  • Special thanks to all for the work, I need it to show income so I don't have to repay my Obamacare discount.  More on that next post. 
  • Thanks to KG, PG, JG, CW, LP, and MS for checking in on me, sometimes that regular contact or joke is what I need most.  Love you.