Friday, September 6, 2019

Out of Pocket....

I have no idea why they call it "Out of Pocket" expenses for an insured persons total expenditures in a year with an insurance plan.  It's not coming out of pocket, it's coming out of my bank accounts.  I don't walk around with that much money in my pockets.  I should be about to complete the out of pocket expenses for my insurance this year.  I sure hope so, I can't take many more trips to the mailbox like yesterday. 

It's been raining here for 3 days with off and on hard rains from Tropical Storm Fernand.  The temperatures are down (high of 94 the next three days) but the humidity is thick.  I skipped checking the mail for a few days as a result.  When I looked yesterday,  there were two bills from the hospital totaling over $1000 for treatment not covered by insurance on my July chemo and the port surgery.  I don't have the insurance paperwork showing what they covered and didn't, all I have the hospital bills which aren't as informative.  I do like to compare the two, though I haven't found errors on the hospitals version (yet).  And of course the hospital wants payment next week.  I wait to get the insurance company reports, and I'll call them to see where I am on the out of pocket expense before paying.  I doubt they'll be quick to refund if I go over the out of pocket expenses.  **

I feel good on this new chemo, clear-headed and energetic,  though I haven't been getting out much with the weather. I walked around at the butterfly center today and enjoyed the migrants that were present, and the antics of the Green Jays.  There were several pairs of Olive Sparrows around as well, and migrant Dickcissels and Eastern Kingbirds.  Feeling good on the chemo counts for little, I need to have some positive results. I've been enjoying reading my birthday presents from my Aunt, both the short story anthology Odd Partners and the Arctic legend Two Old Women.  She also sent The Lost Words, one of those fantastic not-just-for-children books.  She has good taste! 

One more week to the next chemo treatment.  Hoping to get out walking and birding more, and hoping the mud recedes! 
** Please remember this is not a request for money, it's a statement about things that depressed me on that day.  And a reminder about this page with information on how you can help. If and when I have a Go Fund me or other financial need I'll update that page and post it here.  Thanks.