Thursday, March 21, 2019

Emotional Redux of Cancer - Reality Check

I'm co-opting this blog to be my voice in communicating with friends and family about my health.  If that's not what you want to see, quit following this blog.  If you want to see my suggestions for contacting me without causing me stress or adding to an already emotional roller coaster, see this page. To start at the beginning, see

So I have ups and downs.  I worked or had medical tests every day for the first two weeks of March.  I felt great emotionally and physically, though standing for long periods is difficult and heat makes me melt.  Then I hit an emotional low spot (again), slogging through the day at home most days or getting out birding for an hour or so before heading home.  Because of the emotional roller coaster I have had to not engage on issues that bring stress (think border wall), I've snoozed several hundred people on FB (and try not to look at it), and lost a person I thought was a good friend who would always say "talk to you tomorrow" but never did.  Anything that causes me stress is OUT.  I don't even have the energy to visit my horses, and I miss them dearly. 

I met with Dr. #7 and got the go ahead for chemo to start. Two conflicting thoughts run through my mind. 
1. FINALLY.  It's only taken forever. 
2. OMG that's TOO SOON.  I'm not ready to poison my body. 

But we will start very soon. 

I got a call while I was in the office getting the IV for my MRI from my patient advocate at DHR.  I still don't know the name of my patient advocate or what they can do for me.  I'm shocked at the timing of the call, though I assume they don't have the capability or the time to check my appointment times.  I wouldn't have answered but it showed up as the hospital calling. 

And the Robo-calls from the billing department are never ending.  Today I got the option to have them call me back without losing my place in line - and guess what.  They never did.  How frustrating to be sending them all my deductible dollars and having them call me and put me on hold for an hour.  I'm thinking about blocking them.  I pay my bills. 

I'm not short on funds (yet), my concerns are more for paid employment in 2019.  I need to show work income to keep my Obama-care health care cost discount.  So far it's been a great first quarter, thanks to everyone who hired me knowing I was sick.  And let's get this done this year, no dragging into 2020.  I appreciate those folks who have offered to run a fund raiser for me.  I'm a very private person (no news to you if you're reading this) and I don't want this on Facebook or other sites.   If things change and I need/want to run a fund raiser I'll take some of you up on your offers. 

I got some great ideas for TV shows, and I'm binging on one as I type.  More on that in the next post
