Thursday, March 28, 2019

Resting Phase - part 1

Well, it's ups and downs.  Day 2 after treatment finds me walking 3/4 of a mile (albeit slowly) and spending the morning birding.  I feel surprisingly good.  My body temperature has been running even lower than normal. 

Then the bottom fell out.  The next two days I ran a marginal fever and only managed to avoid being admitted to the hospital because I didn't have any other signs of infection.  I slept most of the time.  Two lost days. 

And now I feel good again, I managed to go to the grocery store and pick up a few essentials.  I did have to pass on a day of relatively easy work.  I hated that.  And I miss appetite. Food has no interest to me most of the time.  It's hard when eating is a chore. 

Not much has changed, thanks for thinking of me.  I appreciate the ideas for gentle entertainment.  I seem to see cancer everywhere on TV, in commercials and programs, and I find that depressing.  Dark entertainment is not for me right now, no end of the world stuff needed.  I find books as important as TV now, and will often listen to recorded books when I can get them.  Fiction, drama, mystery, fantasy, sci-fi, all good.  

I'm hoping to get out and enjoy more of the river of hawks migrating overhead.  I'm sorry to see my winter Texan friends leaving.  Hurry back!

Please remember I'm entering my "easily contaminated/low resistance" phase.  I am not a touch-feely person to start with, but please don't touch me or spend time near me if you're sick or could be contagious.  For my part, I'm trying to stay optimistic and hope for good results from the chemo. 

Stay tuned.