Saturday, December 28, 2019

Another unwanted first

Let's see. 

Chemo 12/16-19

Fever 12/22-24 

Lovely dinner at a friends on Christmas, where I overate on rich food.  Ah, Christmas!  Thanks to all who sent presents, cards, emails, texts, and all. 

12/26 no energy at all. 

Friday 12/27 I had a blood test to see how my blood counts are doing and then coffee with Rick and May at Estero.   We went to lunch before the butterfly hike.  I got a call from the Drs office at lunch, my counts are very low and an on call Dr I've never met has prescribed two units of blood.  When can I make it in?  I head out and get typed and crossmatched for the transfusion.  An hour later I'm hooked up to a pint of blood, all they have time to get me today.   I do feel more energy after the transfusion. 

I'm scheduled for the second pint on Monday. I talked to the nurse for a while before I left, and requested another blood count on Monday.  I'm reluctant given my history with blood counts "over recovering" in the past to just take the pint of blood without getting a fresh set of counts.  And I scheduled a Drs appointment before the next chemo cycle. 

So I'm not in quarantine but I'm supposed to wear a mask and be very careful of exposure to other people especially sick ones.  I have a little more energy but haven't tested that yet.  I did get a few overdue chores done.