Wednesday close to 11 Pm I got a call from another Dr in the practice. My blood work was off. They would try to get me in on Thursday for a transfusion. Thursday I got 4 spam calls in Spanish about my cars extended warranty. I changed a spam setting. I then missed two calls from the infusion dept and returned the calls 13 minutes later. The tech said no guarantees but if I could get type / cross match they might be able to get me in that day (Friday). So huge thanks to PR for taking me and being the squeaky wheel to get an appointment that afternoon.
Perfect storm. My phone works fine plugged in but dies without electric. PR is unfortunately Android. Couldn’t borrow a charger, doesn’t really matter as I sleep through IVs. When the tech that called in the morning and couldn’t get me he called my emergency contact. My brothers conferred and decided a wellness check was needed. They had the sheriff break into my house. THIRTEEN MINUTEs.
I am pissed, I feel violated, I hope this is the end of it but I wonder.
So the hope is that I will feel better starting tonight and it will last two weeks. Fingers crossed.