Thursday, July 18, 2019

Life goes on

I've gotten out birding a few times of late, nothing strenuous but a delightful tour of Estero by jitney thanks to JY, a couple days on the river at the NBC, and a lovely very early migrant adult Zone-tailed Hawk at work near La Joya. I still work in the field one morning a week.  It's not fun work, but it's also not taxing physically.  I got to the Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival meeting yesterday, it was great to see everyone!  I don't see many people now. 

I got a call from the pharmacy company that made the change in the chemo drugs requiring pre-approval.  They got the complaint registered but as I guessed did not get that it was a complaint about communication (actually the lack thereof).  They still seem to think that Doctors should check their website for changes in drug and treatment coverage each day and that they have no responsibility to warn patients or Doctors about changes in approval that they make, even when the treatment codes show them who is using what drugs and how often, at least for chemotherapy.  The good news is I have pre-approval for two more treatments.  Whoopee.  (sarcasm).

I am starting to see more side effects so I'm hoping we get some progress shown on Monday's CT scan.  I was hoping to move one  appointment up but Doctor 6 pushed her appointment back 3 weeks.  I did finally get Doctor 7's office on the phone and they still don't  have all the results, it's been 3 days and it usually takes 1.5 or 2 to have a radiologist read the test.  Oh well. 

Waiting, not so patiently. The hardest thing.